EV Charging Stations - ElectricPe
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Operated byOTHERS

Hotel Lords Highway Inn(7.2kw)

Public Last online status unknown Tariff not available


5739+HQ3, Gagal Khas, Himachal Pradesh 176209, India



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Hotel Lords Highway Inn - E-Fill Electric(7kW)

Lords Highway Inn, Mandi - Pathankot Rd, Tanda, Himachal Pradesh 176001

Tariff Unknown

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Rating Icon5.0
Hotels Click The Adobe, Sakoh Verified Station

Village sakoh near cricket stadium, Dharamshala

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Rating Icon5.0
ZEVpoint Charging Station - Regenta Resort Exotica

Regenta Resort Exotica Dharamshala

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Operated byE_FILL Logo
Hotel Lords Highway Inn - E-Fill Electric(7kW)

Lords Highway Inn, Mandi - Pathankot Rd, Tanda, Himachal Pradesh 176001

Tariff Unknown

Station Thumbnail
Operated byTATAPOWER Logo
Rating Icon5.0
Hotels Click The Adobe, Sakoh Verified Station

Village sakoh near cricket stadium, Dharamshala

Starting at ₹21/unit

Station Thumbnail
Operated byZEVPOINT Logo
Rating Icon5.0
ZEVpoint Charging Station - Regenta Resort Exotica

Regenta Resort Exotica Dharamshala

Tariff Unknown