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India’s first free Charger
Management Software

Get your own charging point without any complications
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What is Charger Management Software (CMS)?

CMS is a software for Charge Point Operators (CPOs) to manage their Electric Vehicle charging stations across multiple locations from a single application. It provides real-time monitoring and optimization capabilities for charging operations, allowing CPOs to grow their charging station business and scale efficiently.
CMS Features
Realtime monitoring of chargers
Realtime monitoring of chargers
Track performance and usage in realtime across multiple locations at click of a button.
Multiple tariff and payment options
Multiple tariff and payment options
Consumption and time based tariff options available. Decide tariff of your charger yourself.
Access control for different roles
Access control for different roles
Fine-grained control on who can access the charging stations.
Detailed analytics dashboard
Detailed analytics dashboard
Detailed analytics dashboard for complete visibility into utilisation and payments.

ElectricPe CMS beneficiaries

Charge point operators
Charge point operators
Optimize your EV charging business with our tailored management platform
Enhance your charge points with ElectricPe CMS's smart tech, accessible via app or web
EV fleet operators
EV fleet operators
Grow your EV charging business quickly and at a low cost with streamlined operations

Our Partners

Corporate Offices
Corporate Offices
Charging Networks & OEMs
Charging Networks & OEMs

One app to manage all your EV chargers

Available On
As part of our mission to provide clean electric mobility to a Billion Indians, we are offering CMS as a free product to incentivise CPOs to set up charging stations in their cities.
Why choose ElectricPe CMS?
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Onboard your chargers on ElectricPe platform and ensure that you never have to worry about monitoring your chargers’ performance and utilisation.
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Listing on ElectricPe App makes your chargers discoverable and usable by thousands of EV owners looking for charging.
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Gain real-time analytics and insights with ElectricPe CMS for proactive maintenance and optimal charger performance.

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business with

ElectricPe now!